AmigaOS3.5 (380/967)

From:Michael Rozeboom
Date:13 May 2000 at 02:24:55
Subject:Re: Hi-density Floppy


On 12-May-00, you remarked:

>MS Hello tesla

>MS On 11-May-00, you wrote:

>MS> Neil
>MS> Thanks for the reply, however I must remind you, (and others) that
>MS> this floppy worked FINE under AmigaDos 2.04.

>MS Did you open up the 3000 to fit 3.1 ROMs ? I have had problems with
>MS floppy drive cables when working inside the case without knowingly
>MS touching them.

I had problems recently with my external HD floppies. Both of them
exhibited the same behavoir, where they would get confused, the drive light
would just flicker, and eventually the system would become unusable.

Seemed to have tracked it down to a couple of things: I just added an A2230
Display Enchancer card, so RFI may have been a cause, relocate drive. DF1:
doesn't seem to work, disconnected it (might have exceeded power budget),
then after no change, reconnected it.

Everything seems to work as it should now...



Michael Rozeboom
__ /// B2000-060/OS 3.5/67M
\\\/// Member, Team *AMIGA* SCSI-II: 2.2Gig HD & CDRom
\XX/ CV64-3D & 19" VGA Monitor.
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.

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